Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Industrially Useful Microbial Processes 3

Industrially Useful Microbial Processes

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The recovery of vitamin from fermentation broth is carried out prior to_____________.

a. Acidification
b. Alcohol treatment
c. Autolysis
d. None of these

Naringinase, an enzyme commonly used for removal of bitter taste from citrus juice is obtained from_____________.

a. A. niger
b. A.flavus
c. A. oryzae
d. S. cerevisiae

Protease, which is used for flavouring of sake and haze removal in sake is produced by_____________.

a. A. oryzae
b. A. flavus
c. B. cereus
d. A. niger

The organism commonly used for the production of β carotene is/ are_____________.

a. Phycomyces blakesleeanus
b. Cnoanephora cucurbitarum
c. Blakeslea trispora
d. all of these

The organism commercially used for fungal fermentation to obtain citric acid is_____________.

a. A. oryzae
b. A.flavus
c. A. niger
d. S. cerevisiae

Erythromycin a broad spectrum antibiotic is obtained with the help of_____________.

a. Streptomyces rimosus
b. Streptomyces venezuelae
c. Streptomyces erythreus
d. Streptomyces halstedii

The penicillin F which was produced at first, required the mold_____________.

a. Penicillium chrysogenum
b. Pencillium notatum
c. Pencillium chrysogenum Q-176
d. none of the above

Amyloglucosidase is used in glucose production. It is produced by_____________.

a. Rhizopus niveus
b. Endomycopsis fibuliger
c. Sclerotina libertina
d. both (a) and (b)

Microbially produced streptokinase is used to_____________.

a. remove spots from laundry products
b. dissolve clots for patients with coronary blockages
c. clarify fruit juice
d. breakdown starch molecules into smaller sugars

Anaerobic bacteria undergoes butyric isopropyl fermentation in carbohydrates to yield_____________.

a. glycol
b. butyric acid
c. acetic acid
d. all of these

The other name of invertase enzyme is_____________.

a. sucrase
b. saccharase
c. isomerase
d. both (a) and (b)

Neomycin-B is obtained from_____________.

a. Streptomyces niveus
b. Streptomyces fradiae
c. Streptomyces spheroides
d. Streptomyces griseus

Which of the following cephalosporin is more active than penicillin against various species of Salmonella?

a. Cephalosporin N
b. Cephalosporin C
c. Synnematin
d. Both (a) and (c)

The beet molasses is pretreated with __________ to reduce great quantity of trace metals.

a. ferrocyanide or ferricyanide
b. ethylenediamine tetrachloro acetic acid
c. hydrochloric acid
d. sulphuric acid

The medium required for glutamic acid mainly consist of_____________.

a. glucose       
b. molasses
c. sucrose        
d. lactose

Flavor can be enhanced from the_____________.

a. L-Alanine
b. D-L-Alanine
c. L-Aspartic acid
d. all of these

Bacillus thuringiensis is useful as a bacterial_____________.

a. source of antibiotics
b. producer of vitamins
c. herbicide
d. pesticide

In Corynebacterium glutamicum, tryptophan biosynthesis is regulated by the activity of_____________.

a. DAHP synthetase
b. Anthranilate synthase
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. Phosphoenol pyruvate

Invertase has its application in confectionaries to prevent crystallization of sugar. It is obtained from_____________.

a. A. oryzae
b. A. niger
c. S. cerevisae
d. B. subtilis

The method used for obtaining citric acid as fermentation product are commonly known as_____________.

a. submerged aerated fermentation
b. stationary tray fermentation
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none of these

Who was the first scientist to observe the antibiotic and therapeutic properties of penicillin?

a. Louis Pasteur
b. Alexander Fleming
c. S. C. Prescott
d. E. P. Abraham

Which of the following organism is utilized to obtain commercial L-lysine by direct method?

a. Micrococcus glutamicus
b. Mutated strain of Micrococcus glutamicus
c. Brevibacterium aminogenes
d. Mutated strain of Brevibacterium aminogenes

"Vinegar mother" in Orleans process is_____________.

a. inoculum of acetobacter bacteria used
b. considerable slime and film growth of Acetobacter bacteria on the surface of the alcoholic broth
c. cellulosic strands produced by Acetobacter bacteria to hold cells together
d. none of the above

Commercial scale production of amino acids is typically carried out using_____________.

a. regulatory mutants to cause overproduction of biochemical intermediates
b. creation of an intentional increase in membrane permeability to increase release of the amino acids
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none of the above

Which of the following microorganism can yield vitamin B12 using methanol as a carbon source?

a. Methanobacterium soehngenii
b. Methanobacillus omelianski
c. Protaminobacter ruber
d. All of the above

The immediate precursor for glumatic acid production by Corynebacterium glutamicum is_____________.

a. lysine           
b. oxoacetate
c. citrate          
d. 2-oxo-glutarate

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