Sunday, 26 April 2015

Basic General Knowledge Test 5

Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan became the members of UNO in _______________

a. 1991                                                                      
b. 1992
c. 1993                                                                      
d. 1994

The electron was first identified by_______________

a. J. J. Thompson
b. J. Kepler
c. D. Rutherford
d. James Chadwick

The branch of science that studies cells is called_______________

a. Cytology  
b. Entomology
c. Homoplasty           
d. Hormonology

The energy of food is measured in_______________

a. Kelvin        
b. Calories
c. Bushel       
d. None of the above

The first Asian to receive the Noble Prize in Physics was_______________

a. C.V. Raman
b. Mother Teresa
c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. S. Chandrasekhar

The command from a superior officer or a judge to a subordinate right given to a person to act in the name of another, is_______________

a. Mandamus
b. Mandate
c. Manifesto  
d. Modvat

Study of life in outer space is known as_______________

a. Endbiology           
b. Exobiology
c. Enterbiology         
d. Neobiology

Recession is_______________

a. Slowing down of economic activity over a limited period
b. Period during which unemployment may rise and demand and output may fall, leading to slump in trade
c. Period that results from accumulation of unsold goods, owing to fall in demand
d. All of the above

Regular meetings of Trusteeship Council (UNO) are held_______________

a. Once a year
b. Twice a year
c. Thrice a year
d. Four times a year

Profit made when an asset is sold more than the price at which it was bought is called_______________

a. Capital      
b. Capital-gain
c. Capitalism
d. None of the above

Recently lead free petrol was introduced in our country because_______________

a. They are not needed now as anti-knock agents
b. They tower the efficiency of the engine
c. They cause less pollution
d. To reduce the cost of petrol

Rabindranath Tagore receive Nobel Prize in 1913 in the field of_______________

a. Physics     
b. Peace
c. Literature 
d. Economy

Modern football is said to have evolved from_______________

a. England                                                               
b. India
c. France                                                                   
d. Spain

Nowadays many novel chemicals are being synthesized termed as xenobiotics. The unique feature of these is what they are_______________
I.  biodegradable
II.  non- biodegradable
III.  pose on environmental threat
IV. they are environment friendly

a. I, III                                                                          
b. II, III
c. I, III, IV                                                                     
d. II, III, IV

Lance Armstrong, a sportsperson of international repute, belongs to which of the following countries?

a. USA                                                                      
b. Ukraine
c. Spain                                                                     
d. Brazil

Normally the Commonwealth Games are held at intervals of_______________

a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. there is no fixed interval

Most commonly used bleaching agent is_______________

a. Alcohol
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Chlorine
d. Sodium chloride

Lime is sometimes applied to soil in order to_______________

a. Increase the alkalinity of the soil
b. Increase the acidity of the soil
c. Restore nitrates to the soil
d. Make the soil more porous

If force is expressed in Newton and the distance in meter, then the work done is expressed in_______________

a. Joule                                                                    
b. Kg wt
c. Kg wt m                                                                 
d. Watt

Hybridization is_______________

a. Downward movement of water through soil
b. A process of tilling the land
c. Decayed vegetable matter
d. Cross-fertilization between two varieties

Heavy Water Project (Talcher) and Fertilizer plant (Paradeep) are famous industries of_______________

a. Orissa                                                                   
b. Tamil nadu
c. Andhra Pradesh                                                   
d. Kerala

Hamid Karzai was chosen president of Afghanistan in_______________

a. 2000                                                                      
b. 2001
c. 2002                                                                      
d. 2003

First International Peace Congress was held in London in_______________

a. 1564 AD                                                               
b. 1798 AD
c. 1843 AD                                                               
d. 1901 AD

Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in_______________

a. 1958 in Tokyo
b. 1962 in Jakarta
c. 1966 in Bangkok
d. 1970 in Bangkok

Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993, is in the continent of _______________

a. Asia                                                                       
b. Africa
c. Europe                                                                  
d. Australia

Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by_______________

a. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
b. Second World Nations
c. Third World Nations
d. Fourth World Nations

First China War was fought between_______________

a. China and Britain                                              
b. China and France
c. China and Egypt                                                  
d. China and Greek

Each year World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated on _______________

a. May 8                                                                    
b. May 18
c. June 8                                                                    
d. June 18

From the following, choose the set in which names of Secretary-Generals of the UNO are arranged in correct chronological order?

a. U Thant, Kurt Waldheim, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Trygve Lie.
b. Trygve Lie, Dag Hammarskjoeld, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim.
c. Trygve Lie, U Thant , Dag Hammarskjoeld, Kurt Waldheim.
d. U Thant, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Trygve Lie, Kurt Waldheim.

Ecology deals with _______________

a. Birds
b. Cell formation
c. Relation between organisms and their environment
d. Tissues

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