Wednesday, 5 August 2015

MS Access 2007 Test

MS Access 2007 Test

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Which of the following table properties defines criteria to display only matching rows in the Datasheet view?

a. SubdatasheetName
b. ValidationText
c. ValidationRule
d. Filter

How do you create a report for a crosstab query if certain column values are missing?

a. Set the Value field in the crosstab
b. Set the Column Heading field in the crosstab
c. Explicitly set the Pivot list in the crosstab

The Database Splitter is one of the database utilities. Which of the following is true about the Database Splitter?

a. This utility segregates the tables from the queries, forms, reports, macros, modules, and shortcuts to the Data Access Pages
b. This utility splits a Microsoft Access database into three files
c. This utility breaks up the information in the tables into a compacted format for faster retrieval

State whether the following statement is true or false:

By default, Access deletes the related data when records from a table are deleted.

a. True
b. False

How do you customize the text on a form or report's window frame or tab?

a. TabIndex Property
b. Text Property
c. Form Property
d. Caption Property

By using ADO or DAO, how can you fetch the records from a recordset?

a. By using a For Loop with Next, without MoveNext, while checking for EOF
b. By using a Do..Loop with MoveNext, while checking for EOF
c. By using a While Loopwith Wend, while checking for EOF

Which of the following clauses is not allowed in a sub-query?

a. is Null
b. where
c. order by

Which of these functions determines if a phrase exists in a longer string?

a. InStr
b. Len
c. Trim
d. Left

How many databases can be opened at one time in a single instance of Access 2007?

a. One
b. Two
c. Ten
d. Unlimited

This question is based upon the figure shown below

What is the function of the 'Single Step' tool in macros as shown in the picture?

a. When the macro is run in this mode, each expression is saved one at a time
b. When the macro is run in this mode, each action is performed one at a time
c. When this option is clicked, all queries are saved in a single step
d. When this option is clicked, all reports are saved in a single step

In a report with grouping, how can you display the count of records in each group?

a. Add a text box to the group's Footer section, and its control source to "=Count(*)"
b. Set the report's "Group Count" property to True
c. Add a label to the group's Header section, and set the Caption property to "Count Rows"
d. Add a Summary control to the report's Footer section.

What type of query do you use to modify existing records

a. Insert query
b. Delete query
c. Update query
d. Select query

State whether true or false.

In Access 2007, a Checkbox cannot be used as a calculated control

a. True
b. False

Out of the following, which one can be used as a comparison operator?

a. &
b. >
c. ^
d. +

How do you import a portion of an Excel spreadsheet into Access?

a. TransformXML Method
b. ImportXML Method
c. TransferSpreadsheet Method

Which textbox property determines that the text box is bound?

a. ControlSource
b. RowSource
c. RecordSource
d. FieldSource

Which of the following functions returns an array, when a string is split using a delimiter?

a. Str function
b. String function
c. StringParts function
d. Split function

Which of the following is not done when you compact a database?

a. Restructuring table records and objects, and then stores them in successive memory blocks.
b. Databases linked to the compacted database are compacted and repaired.
c. Restores table records into their primary key order, if a primary key exists in the table
d. Reduces the physical size of your database by making an exact duplicate of the database.

Which Text box property should be set to expand the text box to display the whole text when there is too much text to be accommodated in the text box in Access reports?

a. CanGrow
b. Reading Order
c. Display When
d. None of the above

Which of the following options clears a sort order without affecting the current filter?

a. "Clear All Sorts" button on the Home tab, in the Sort and Filter group.
b. "Unsort" button on the Database Tools tab, in the Records group.
c. "Sorted" button at the bottom of the Object window, next to the Record Navigator.

This question is based upon the figure shown below

From the figure, how would you filter the table to return only the students whose last name begins with 'a', 'o', or 'y'?

a. Select lastname from students where lastname like '[a,o, y]*'
b. Select lastname from students where lastname like '*[a, o, y]'
c. Select lastname from students where lastname not like '*[a, o, y]'
d. Select lastname from students where lastname not like '[a,o, y]*'
e. Select lastname from students where lastname='a' or lastname='o'or lastname='y'

Which form property determines whether the current record has been modified since it was last saved?

a. Cycle property
b. Dirty property
c. Filter property
d. FilterOn property

This question is based upon the figure shown below

In the given picture, a total is accumulated from record to record across a group. Which feature has been used to achieve this result?

a. Cumulative property
b. Totals property
c. Running sum property
d. None of the above

Which of the following is the easiest and fastest method to manipulate records on a subform?

a. Using a RecordsetType Property
b. Using a RecordSetClone Property
c. Using a RecordSelectors Property
d. Using a References Property

Which lookup field property determines the value from the RowSource that is stored in the lookup column?

a. Column Heads
b. Column Widths
c. Column Count
d. Bound Column

Consider the following tables:

PopularityRating   (the Popularity of the book on a scale of 1 to 10)
Language         (such as French, English, German etc)

What is the query to determine Which German books (if any) are more popular than all the French books?

a. Select bookname from books where language='German' and popularityrating =(Select popularityrating from books where language='French')
b. Select bookname from books where language='German' and popularityrating > (Select popularityrating from books where language='French')
c. Select bookname from books where language='French' and popularityrating > (Select max(popularityrating) from books where language='German')
d. Select bookname from books where language='German' and popularityrating >(Select max(popularityrating) from books where language='French')

What is Option Explicit?

a. It is a Database object
b. Requires variable declarations
c. It contains all of the data access pages that are currently open in a Microsoft Access project
d. It contains all open standard modules and class modules in a Microsoft Access database

How do you prevent a user from skipping the startup routines when opening an application?

a. Set the database's AllowBreakIntoCode property to False
b. Set the database's AllowBypassKey property to False
c. Set the database's AllowBuiltInToolbars property to False
d. Set the database's StartupShowDBWindow property to False

Which of the following is true about the Ribbon interface?

a. Ribbons can be dragged and dropped to be on the side or the bottom of the screen.
b. Ribbons can be minimized or collapsed
c. Ribbons can be replaced with command bars

Which datatype would be the most suitable to store a Hyperlink in a field of an Access 2007 table?

a. char
b. varchar
c. hyperlink
d. nchar

You want to create a table that includes a Description field. If you want to ensure that the Description field accepts rich text formatting, which datatypes should you use?

a. OLE Object
b. Memo
c. Attachment
d. Text

This question is based upon the figure shown below

Which type of Control Layout does the given picture display?

a. Tabular
b. Stacked
c. Static
d. Tab

Which of the following is not true regarding naming a file?

a. File names are case sensitive
b. File names can be up to 255 characters long including any file name extension
c. Either uppercase or lowercase letters can be used in file names
d. Some keyboard characters can cause unexpected results if used in file names

Which of the given text field properties should you set in order to force a user to enter a date value specifically in MM-DD-YYYY format?

a. Indexed
b. Limit to List
c. Input Mask
d. Allow Value List Edits

How can you tell if a report has no records to display or print?

a. NotInList event is triggered
b. ApplyFilter event is triggered
c. NoData event is triggered
d. Filter event is triggered

This question is based upon the figure shown below

Refer to the given picture and fill up the blank.

"Count Values" are not available for fields of the _________ data type(s) while using the Layout view.

a. Memo
b. OLE Object
c. Hyperlink
d. Memo, OLE Object and Hyperlink

What does an Access Data Projects (ADP) offer that an MDB/ACCDB doesn't?

a. It can perform heterogeneous queries across a variety of data sources
b. It is tied directly to one SQL Server database and can create and modify SQL Server objects
c. It supports temporary tables or links to other data sources beyond the single SQL Server database

In which of the following form sections is a Title control placed?

a. Detail
b. Form Header
c. Page Header
d. Page Footer

How do you start an Access application so that the user can't see or use the Navigation Pane (or database container)?

a. Set the Access Option to hide the navigation pane, and press  CTRL+F11 special keys.
b. Set the Access Option to hide the navigation pane, and press ALT+F1 special keys.
c. Set the Access Option to hide the navigation pane, and turn off special keys to prevent F11.
d. Set the Access Option to hide the navigation pane, and press  CTRL+G  special keys.

Choose the appropriate Query for the Products table where data should be displayed primarily in ascending order of the ProductGroup column. Secondary sorting should be in the descending order of the CurrentStock column.

a. Select * from Products order by CurrentStock,ProductGroup
b. Select * from Products order by CurrentStock DESC,ProductGroup
c. Select * from Products order by ProductGroup,CurrentStock
d. Select * from Products order by ProductGroup,CurrentStock DESC
e. None of the above

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