Sunday, 26 July 2015

English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)

English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)

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Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the mission word.

After my grandfather was diagnosed with chronic ____________, he moved to Arizona.

a. Neumonia
b. Penumonia
c. Pneumonia
d. Pnuemonia

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct of the missing word.

Their relationship was plagued by ____________ problems.

a. perpetual
b. perpechual
c. perpetual
d. perpetual

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the option below.

a. Embarassment
b. Embrassement
c. Embarrasment
d. Embarrassment

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Hemorrhage
b. Harass
c. Hankercheif
d. Hypocrisy

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Pageant
b. Poignant
c. Plummage
d. Priggish

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

The waitress brought me a plate of squid even through I ____________ asked for clams.

a. specificaly
b. specifically
c. specifycally
d. specificly

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Fluorescent
b. Fullfil
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Persue
b. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Occasion
b. Occurrence
c. Orangutan
d. Opponant

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Definitly
b. Defanitely
c. Defenitely
d. Definitely

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Cachet
b. Connoisseur
c. Charateristic
d. Catastrophe

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

The annual ____________ was ruined when a family of bears stole all the hotdogs.

a. barbecue
b. barbequeue
c. barbycue
d. barbcue

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Referense
b. Refrence
c. Reference
d. Referance

Identify the misspelled word in the list below

a. Enhancement
b. Elicit
c. Enegma
d. Ecstasy

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ____________ of our dog.

a. existence
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Restaureter
b. Restaurater
c. Restaurateur
d. Restourateur

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Managable
b. Millennium
c. Minuscule
d. Miscellaneous

Identify the misspelled word in the list below

a. Indivisible
b. Irresistable
c. Indispensable
d. Irresponsible

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Rhythmical
b. Reminiscence
c. Rheumatism
d. Resevoir

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Manoeuvar
b. Manouver
c. Maneuver
d. Manuver

Identify the misspelled word in the list below

a. Councelor
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticize

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

The church members accused the cult of ____________ practices.

a. Sacreligious
b. Sacrelegious
c. Sacrilegious
d. Sacrilgious

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Peter always makes such a ____________ of himself!

a. nuisance
b. nuisents
c. newsanse
d. nuisince

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Yacht
b. Youthful
c. Yeilding
d. Yesterday

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Sam ____________ a successful political campaign.

a. orchestraited
b. orchestrated
c. orchestreated
d. orchestrated

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.

a. amnesty.
b. amnasty.
c. amnesty
d. emnesty

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Unanimus
b. Unanemous
c. Unanimess
d. Unanimous

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Arthur spent hours admiring the gothic ____________ of all those French cathedrals.

a. architecture
b. architecture
c. arcitecture
d. arckitecture

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Parallel
b. Prevalent
c. Prejudice
d. Perserverance

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Sally’s ____________ who was unable to handle his nervousness, left her standing at the altar.

a. fiance
b. finance
c. feance
d. fience

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Dexterity
b. Dyeing
c. Dessecrate

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Quixotic
b. Quite
c. Questionaire
d. Quarantine

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Mrs. Baker took her ____________ class on field trip to the zoo.

a. kindergarden
b. kindergarten
c. kindergarten
d. kindegarden

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Mischeivous
b. Misanthrope
c. Mussel
d. Malicious

Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.

Helen was surprised by the ____________ stature of her blind date.

a. diminutive
b. diminuative
c. diminutive
d. diminutive

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Sophomore
b. Supersede
c. Susceptable
d. Spontaneous

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.

a. Reminiscience
b. Reminiscence
c. Reminescence
d. Reminisense

Identify the misspelled word in the list below.

a. Develop
b. Desciple
c. Dilemma
d. Discipline

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the option below.

a. Idiosyncracy
b. Idiosincrasy
c. Idiosyncrasy
d. Ideosyncracy

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